6 lessons on how to enjoy life more from a Yorkshire Terrier

By AnDreea
Sep 14th, 2014

It’s been only two weeks since we became room mates and yet Oona already changed me. For the better. This little -lovely-cute-adorable-ohshe’s-sowonderful-is-she-really-a-dog female Yorkshire Terrier thought me a few lessons. Now, I’m enjoying life more.

1. Live in the now

Enjoy every moment. You never know when it’s your last. At the beginning of day think with gratitude about the next 24 hours ahead. Multiply them with the number of seconds in a day and you gain 86.400 chances (or maybe a little less if you take out sleeping hours) to enjoy life on Earth.



2. Play

Oona loves to play. She doesn’t mind wiggling her tail, or barking, or chasing the ball. People are inclined to take themselves too seriously. After all, life is about passion and having fun. And enjoying it to the fullest. Laught a lot. And hugg.



3. Get out of the comfort zone

Having a pet- namely a dog was one  of my childhood dreams. I confess I am not at my first attempt with a pet but until now, every time I failed miserably. The animals were great. B me not wanting to expand my comfort  zone. But I was not willing to give up my comfort zone.



4.Being responsible

Life is about having fun, yes. But it’s also about sharing. For someone like me, who ‘s young and has never experienced marriage, a dog is a perfect way to learn a few things about being responsible. It teaches you how to make room in your life for another being, to love him and take care of him.



5. Love

Love simply is. And it implies “unconditional”.  A dog is deprived of ego therefore his affection expresses fully and purely.


6. Forgiveness

As much as I hate it, I must show Oona that such activities  as peeing and pooping are strictly forbidden inside the house, except for the puppy pad. This means sometimes punishing and ignoring her.  Yet, Oona forgives the harsh tone of voice each and every time, and enjoys our moments together.

PS – One year and a half later, Oona has become a tiny part of my soul. We are doing lots of things together: we play, we go for walks, we take afternoon-naps, we listen to the music, and even write. Oona enjoys sitting in my lap while I work at my desk. There are days when it rains cats and dogs, or when it’s freezing but we still need to go out. I can not leave any high-heels shoes within her reach when I’m not a home. I have to find her a temporary home each time I travel. I also have to  buy her food, take her to the doctor and to the ….pet dresser :)). But nothing equals the love I feel each time I return home and Oona is literally jumping with joy on her back feet until I take her in my arms and hug her. There is such endless love in such a tiny creature. I wouldn’t give her up for nothing in this world. Needless to say I can not see myself living without my precious and beloved Oona.


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