Romanian youth is taking a stand

By AnDreea
Sep 2nd, 2013
Piata Universitatii, Bucharest

Piata Universitatii, Bucharest

At this very moment, thousands of Romanians are out in the streets of major cities, including Bucharest, protesting against Rosia Montana mining exploitation project. I’ve been there myself several years ago while being employed as a PR consultant by one of the advertising agencies hired by the Canadian company to clean up their image. Trained people praised the benefits of the project – a brand new residential area for the inhabitants whose houses (quiet ancient and dismantled, they said) were to be demolished, that included a huge gym and pool for the kids, new workplaces. In other words progress and wellbeing. They weren’t very specific though about how the project would impact upon the environment. About the fact that thousands of years of history would be forever erased from the earth entrails. And that the much acclaimed jobs would be….temporary, until all available gold is brought to life. The fact that the Romania will touch only 6% of it was probably said in a very low voice because I don’t remember hearing about it. In short, on long term, Rosia Montana mining exploitation will destroy the environment, will generate unemployment and will bring tiny benefits to Romania in terms of financial revenues.

The people who got it are those who usually don’t get to vote. They don’t get to vote because there is no one or  no party to vote for. But when it comes to the land of their country and Romanian history’s treasures, they are ready to fight. And this such a good news. Even though TV stations are constantly avoiding the subject, they are out there, marching and standing for their cause.

Romanians – the young ones, are finally getting up. After all, maybe there is still hope. For once, let’s forget about our petty, daily concerns, about shoes, clothes and parties, about neighbour quarrels and work rivalries. For once, let’s be united. Let’s spread the word about it. Because everything in Universe is connected. The more we send out and seed love and understanding, the more we stay true to ourselves, the more good we get in our lives. Click here if you for live images from Piata Universitatii, Bucharest, Romania.



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