By AnDreea
Feb 11th, 2016
Laurence O'Bryan

Laurence O’Bryan

Laurence O’Bryan, digital marketing expert and best-selling author, recommends five best practices for best-selling indie authors in 2016.

  1. Understand your theme and your genre. Buy and read the most popular books in the genre you write in. People like romance and they like mystery and they like crime and thrillers.
  2. Create a catchy trailer for your book.
  3. Entertain your readers.  Wrap up your ideas into story tthat can be popular. This is what people have done for thousands of years:  they turned ideas and themes into something popular. So if you’ve got a theme and something spiritual you want to get  across, don’t just say  it. Turn it into a story.
  4. Be accessible. Present your book very well.  It has to look like a professional published book. It is not so difficult anymore. Write a good blurb. Set the right price. Join up with other writers and find your readers. 
  5. Help other people first. This is not a magic wand. You can’t suddenly expect to get rich because this is not a get-rich quick scheme. You find other people,  you connect with them online and  present your work. Number one, you help other people first instead of just pushing your book. There’s an old saying “what goes around comes around”. If you genuinely help other people giving the reviews, giving them feedback, been genuine about their work that power will come back to you. I don’t know how it works but it works.

Listen to the audio interview:

To learn more about digital marketing best practices and the writing craft join Laurence O’ Bryan and his special guests at The Writers’ Conference in Dublin, between the 24-26th of June, 2016!

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