5 Steps For A Great Day

By AnDreea
In Events
May 13th, 2014

IMG_2400What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? According to a recent study by Google most of the people who have smartphones and Internet  connections start their day by checking their devices and surfing the big Web. Then they leave home, getting  out, in traffic, assaulted by images and noises. They get to their jobs. More images, more noise. Problems to tackle, tasks to solve. They get back home. Turn on TV until they fall asleep. No wonder at some point they feel empty and lost. Another day just went by, same as the others, a day when they lived with their bodies  in the real world and with their minds, in the virtual one. Does it sound familiar to you?

I surprise myself sometimes falling into this trap so here are a few things I’m going to start doing tomorrow morning, the moment I open my eyes,  and every morning after. I’ll come back with a follow up to this article in a week and let you know the results.

1. Pretend I am a cat – stretch my body while still in bed and feel every muscle, my feet, my toes, my hands, my fingers, my legs, my arms, my nose, my eyes, my ears. Feeling your body will help you chase away any dizziness or fuzziness.

2. Pretend I am Mona Lisa – smile, a bit differently, though, as if my biggest wish just came true. Start your day feeling happy and grateful and chances are you end the same way, if not happier. 

3. Pretend I am God – imagine the rest of the day exactly how I would like it to be. Meeting nice people, receiving good news about my projects, being loved. Since  your imagination is limitless, use it to create the best movie of the day.

4. Pretend I am a kid – when I was a child, I had a hard tome getting up early. My parents had a big table in the dining room and my mother used to chase me around the table to fully wake me up. I would laugh and be excited with this game. Do some physical, easy exercises and hydrate yourself. Might work better than coffee.

5. Pretend I am food taster – eat breakfast slowly and carefully, paying attention to its flavour, colour, taste as if I was to write an article about it for a high end magazine. Enjoy your breakfast and consider it being best quality fuel pouring into your energy tank for the day. 

And one more thing:  the moment you step out the door, imagine the  world is your ally. The moment you see it that way, it will spoil you with wonderful sunsets, breathtaking clouds, wonderful bird songs and….serendipity.

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