Where is home?

By AnDreea
In Escapes
Mar 18th, 2014


Yesterday evening  I attended a Thailand holiday presentation  held by Elena Stanciu. I met her some time ago when she was still a (skilled and experienced) client service director in a renown advertising agency in Bucharest.  Four years ago, she gave up the busy city life of an European capital for Asian beauty, spirituality and freshness and followed her significant other in Thailand. Don’t imagine for a second that her new life means endless hours spent at SPAs or sunbathing. Yes, Thailand is sunny and hot all year long and yes, you can set up a cosy office on the beach but for her and her partner, Brad Florescu, it is the place that, at least for the time being, gives them purpose in life.  Together, they forged a new path for the Romanians willing to travel in Asia on unbeaten tracks through Tedoo project but also by exploring the country and creating tailored made holidays under the name “Unseen Thailand”.

There were forty people in the room and everybody was watching and listening to Elena carefully. And not because of her speech but also because she was beautiful. There was  this light in her eyes you  see only in people who are happy because they are living the life they dream of. As she kept on speaking about wild beaches and temples and Sumatra wilderness and catamaran cruises on translucent waters, people held their breath. As if it was too beautiful a dream to be lived by them. As if invisible ties kept them tied to the bustling city, allowing them to get away at a maximum two-week-holiday length.

Those invisible ties exist. We grow up believing that we need stability in our  life. That we need to have a home and roots – eventually in the same city or country  where we are born (anyway, such is the case for the Romanians).  There are also the palpable ties. Your condo, your car, your job, the people you know, everything that ensures comfort and safety. Those things you think you’ll be lost without. That keep you on a loop making most of your days be very much alike. And then come those short moments, mere flickers, when you wonder how it would be like to break free of everything and follow your heart.

Well, if curiosity kills the cat, safety and comfort kill human spirit. Who says that during our lifetime we can have only one home? Who says we can have only one  type of  job or that we have to have jobs at all? Who says that we can not move from one place to another, exploring, innovating being creators of our own life? If you think this is something to do or start doing in your early twenties, think again! Paul Gauguin was 42 when he gave up his cosy Parisian life and left for Tahiti to create his greatest pieces of work.

No matter where you will travel in this world, your home will be with you. Because home is where your heart is.

When Will You Get Married? - Paul Gauguin

When Will You Get Married? – Paul Gauguin


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